Thursday, September 22, 2016

News and Notes for September & October

     We have officially reached the fall season!  Fall has always been one of my (Mrs. Lipskoch) favorite seasons!  Cooler temps (hopefully!), colorful leaves, and fun holidays to look forward to are some of the exciting things that happen in the fall.

     Around here, the thing that always kicks off our fall season is the Tent Meeting.  This is an encouraging and exciting time for us here at Harvest.  Our hearts are always full after the evenings of hearing the encouraging messages from God's Word.  Tuesday night is our School emphasis night, and Bro. Scott Justice will be preaching.  Those of you who have heard Bro. Scott before will know what a blessing he is to us here.  Your students will also be doing a bit of singing that night, so you don't want to miss that! 

     Don't forget that Monday through Friday of this coming up week will be adjusted school hours.  We will begin at 9:15 instead of 8:15 each morning.  This allows the teachers and student to be able to attend tent meeting without being exhausted by the end of the week!

     We have scheduled a field trip for October 28.  We will be combining this field trip with our fall party.  Mrs. Rhonda will be heading up plans for that, so if you have any ideas or questions, be sure to get in touch with her.  Our plan right now is to go to Tannehill State Park and enjoy some outdoor time in the beauty of God's creation.  This is a whole-school field trip, so we hope lots of you are able to attend. 

     The student will begin enjoying the cooler temps soon, but remind them that school work must still be done!  There will be several days away from school in the fall season, so they need to work diligently while they have to opportunity to.  Have a great week, we hope to see you at Tent Meeting, and Happy Fall, Y'all!