I have been thinking about family traditions lately. I suppose that this is the time of year when traditions are most noticed, but of course, you can certainly have traditions through the whole year! I hope each of your families have special traditions at Christmas time and at other times of the year.
Unfortunately, the faster pace lives we live now make traditions seem like a thing of the past. Think back to your own childhood. What are some things that your family did together? Traditions are one thing that gives us a tangible part of what a family means. Your family traditions may only make sense to your family! But that's OK, because that is what make them special.
Now, think of your family today. Do you think your kids can say "Every year (week, day, month) we do _____________ together." I hope so. Because if we don't pass on the importance of traditions, how will our kids know how to have a family tradition of their own? Traditions aren't something you do once for the novelty and then never visit again. They must become a part of the fabric of your family if they are to have any meaning to them. Several studies have been done on how children of families that have strong traditions are able to do better when faced with challenges in their day to day life. Family traditions don't have to be elaborate rituals---simply eating around a table and having a conversation is beneficial to a child's social, emotional, and language development.
Not that the elaborate rituals aren't fun! I know several families who began the tradition of "Elf on the Shelf" for their kids. Some families pick a special birthday number to have a big party. Some have a special vacation spot they visit every year. The what isn't as important as the fact that it takes place. And the fact that your kids can say to their kids, "When I was little we always..." And hopefully, they will believe in the importance of having traditions when they have families of their own.
Take a few minutes and talk to your kids. See if they can come up with something they feel is a "tradition" in your house. You might be surprised to find out that it is not what you think your "traditions" are at all! It may open up a whole new list of ideas and topics for you as a family. I remember reading a statement someone made once that said something like, "Our family history is only one generation away from being lost forever."
Of course, some of the most important traditions you give to your children come from the faith you have as a family. A belief in and a relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important thing you can pass on to your children. This faith goes beyond simple tradition into the realm of the eternal. Pray with and for your kids. Read the Scriptures to them. Try to make this an everyday occurrence. This is one "tradition" you can't afford to ignore in your family. In fact, we are commanded by God to do so in Deuteronomy 6:6-7. "And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart; And thou shalt teach them diligently to thy children, and thou shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." That pretty much covers the whole day. Your kids will be exposed to enough of everything else through the rest of their lives; it is up to you as a parent to make sure they have a strong foundation on which to build the rest of their lives. One website makes this as easy as pressing "Play." "Keys for Kids" gives a Scripture and devotional every day that is on point for kids and what they are facing in their lives. They have made it very convenient to receive through email, online, or in the mail. Family dinner may be the perfect time to have family devotions. Or you may want to have them just before the kids head to bed.
So, as we are looking to a new year and enjoying some of our Christmas traditions as a family, I hope you take some time to reflect on the importance of these traditions and how they help build a strong family. And maybe 2016 can be the year you begin some new traditions in your family. Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
How Does It Work? -- Break Times
One thing that parents seem to comment on as they get to know our procedures around here is the fact that we have ten to fifteen minutes of break time every hour. Through our dealings with parents whose students have been in the public school system, we have realized that recess has become an endangered species in our schools. Even as people are complaining about obese, unhealthy kids, they seem to be taking away out-of-your-seat time in the classrooms.
Most of the time, adults are not required to work all day without an opportunity to at least get away from their work for a lunch period and a few minutes here and there through the day. Yet school kids are expected to sit and pay attention for several hours a day, and most of them only get one period of down-time in an eight hour day!
Kids are wiggly. They are easily distracted. They get bogged down by doing the same thing for a long period of time. (If that thing requires mental effort--they can watch TV all day!) And when all these things happen, it can make the learning and retention of their school work difficult, if not impossible! So, we have break times. We tell the students to get up, get out of their seats, and get moving in some fashion.
Also, studies have shown that kids who spend time playing, especially outdoors, are able to perform better in their academic work. Their brains get a "reset" by taking time to look away from their books, get their blood circulating, and engage other neural pathways.
Another benefit to break times is the fact the kids get much needed confidence boosters. Break time is often the best time for students to learn lessons in perseverance and patience. A kid who may be struggling in an academic subject can shine on the ball field and gain the confidence needed to come back in an tackle that tough concept. Students who shine academically need the opportunity to work on their physical development to help them be well-rounded as an individual. They need to strike out and then get back up to bat again. The lessons learned in these areas will benefit them for the rest of their lives.
One of the most obvious perks of break time is in the way that it teaches everyone how to treat other people with kindness and friendliness. When kids are encouraged to spend time with other kids of differing ages, they must learn the interpersonal relationship skills that are so necessary in their adult lives. Older kids have to learn to be examples of the right kind of things, and younger kids have to learn that it sometimes pays off to listen to someone who has done it before you. Playing as a team, depending on others, and working with people's weaknesses are all things that will stand them in good stead in their future work environments.
So, we plan to keep break time an important part of our school day. Because, as we have found, "it does a body (and mind) good!"
Most of the time, adults are not required to work all day without an opportunity to at least get away from their work for a lunch period and a few minutes here and there through the day. Yet school kids are expected to sit and pay attention for several hours a day, and most of them only get one period of down-time in an eight hour day!
Kids are wiggly. They are easily distracted. They get bogged down by doing the same thing for a long period of time. (If that thing requires mental effort--they can watch TV all day!) And when all these things happen, it can make the learning and retention of their school work difficult, if not impossible! So, we have break times. We tell the students to get up, get out of their seats, and get moving in some fashion.
So, we plan to keep break time an important part of our school day. Because, as we have found, "it does a body (and mind) good!"
Monday, August 24, 2015
New Classes, Field Trip, and First Day Out of School!
24, 2015
We will be adding a new learning opportunity for the Upper Learning Center starting Wednesday of this week. We have recruited a lady from our church, Mrs. Davis, to begin teaching a home-ec type class for our young ladies. We will also be having a shop/mechanical class at the same time for our young men. This is an exciting new chance for the students to get some hands-on experience in areas such as cooking, home management, vehicle maintenance, and other life skills.
Our first field trip is scheduled for Friday, September 4th. As of right now, the plan is to spend the morning touring a local fire and police station. Then we plan to drive to Hoover and eat lunch at a park there, and after lunch we will be heading to the Riverchase Galleria to allow the students the opportunity to see the LEGO Americana exhibit that is currently set up there. This is an all day field trip.
We are asking parents to volunteer to drive. Our school is growing, and so any parents that can take the time to drive and help with chaperoning are encouraged to do so. If you can commit to drive for this field trip, please let us know as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly.
All attendees should dress according to the school dress code. Students who have the official HCS t-shirts may wear them on this field trip in place of their regular school shirt. They must be worn with the regular uniform skirt (for ladies) or pants (for men). We will try to have the shirts that have been ordered this year available by this date.
bring a sack lunch clearly labeled with your student's name.
is no school on Labor Day, Monday September 7th.
are looking forward to this fun and educational field trip. The LEGO
exhibit is something the students will really enjoy seeing.
Permission slips will go home early next week. Start planning now
to join us for this fun time!
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
How Does It Work? --The Learning Center
Because the ACE program is so much different than a traditional way of schooling, we often get questions about how different aspects of the program are implemented, and why they work. I thought it would be a good idea if we took a blog post once in a while and explained some of the "FAQs" we get as we operate the ACE program here at HCS. If you have any aspects that you would like to see explained in a future post, leave it in the comment section of the blog, or post it on the FB page. We always like to hear from you!
One of the first noticeable differences that catches peoples attention is the way our learning environment is laid out. In most schools that use the ACE program, all the students, with the exception of the youngest (usually K4-2nd), are in one large room, known as the Learning Center. This leaves everyone from as young as 7 to as old as 18 in one room! At Harvest, we have separated the Learning Centers into two groups: K4-3rd levels, and 4th-12th levels.
Many parents and visitors may wonder why ACE has chosen to operate in this fashion, instead of using the traditional method of classrooms with desks and a teacher for each age group of student Here are few benefits of this arrangement:
1. Ease of implementation for limited staff/facilities. One of the biggest benefits to this way of operating is how simple it becomes for a small church with few people to have the opportunity to minister to their church families and the surrounding community through a Christian school. The task of opening a school ministry seems much less daunting when you find out that you will not have to build larger buildings, add on to your existing facilities, or hire a large number of new staff members! ACE's program allows you to take the resources God has already blessed your ministry with, make a few minor changes here and there, and you're ready to go! In fact, one of the things you hear when you begin looking into this program is, "If you have a Sunday School, you can have a Monday school!"
2. Family-style environment. Many years ago, people had larger families, many times having 10 or more children in each family! Grandparents and other relatives often lived with or very near the family, and the children who were raised in this type of environment reaped the blessings of wisdom and counsel of not only parents, but also older siblings, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Having all the students together each day for learning, playing, working, and eating allows us to recapture some of those benefits of a large family. Your only child may realize that their school mates are like the brothers and sisters they don't have! Sometimes, this is not seen as a blessing by the students however, because the students also have to learn to get along with not only kids their own age, but older kids, and little kids too! It is fun to watch a child who is the youngest in their family learn how to be a "big" brother or sister, and important for the older students to realize that little eyes are watching and copying them all the time! Because they are a stable presence every year, the supervisors become trusted authority figures that the children can come to for advice and counsel, similar to parents. The pastor, pastor's wife, and faithful church workers become examples of Godly life and the blessings that come by obeying His Word.
3. Space to develop at an individualized rate. If we were to seat the students at a regular desk and put them all into one room, we could not expect them to learn a thing! They would be to busy seeing what everyone else was doing, or overwhelmed with the noise of a crowd and therefore unable to learn anything on their own! So, ACE has developed what they refer to as a student office. This is your student's own learning space. They have extended dividers that encourage them to pay attention to what is in front of them, and prevent them from worrying about if others are looking or listening to them as they work. The ACE program's foundational concept is that every child is an individual, and they must be allowed the ability to progress at their own rate of speed. The offices allow the students to work in their choice of subject (not everyone can face Algebra first thing in the morning!), at their learning rate, without fear of falling behind their classmates or the teacher rushing past a concept that they missed. In a similar fashion to how many corporations operate, they have a task list (goal card) with their daily work expectations on it. They are allowed to tackle these tasks in the order they see fit, without undue interruption. And just like an employer might duck his head into a cubicle to check on the progress of a job, project, or report, we supervisors are constantly rotating about the Learning Center, checking in with the students and guiding them in the completion of their tasks.
These are just a few benefits of the learning system that we have implemented here at HCS. I'm sure there are more than the ones I have listed here. All in all, we have found that most students, including ones who have struggled in traditional classroom environments, begin to enjoy their new-found freedoms and responsibilities of the Learning Center. They like being able to set their own schedule, with minimal intervention, and tackle their work the way they see fit. They quickly learn that if they ignore the advice of the supervisor however, and get out of balance in their tasks, they have no one to blame but themselves! And then they realize that they can also fix it themselves by heeding advice and trying to do better the next day. The joy in their faces as they grow and are given more responsibility for their own learning is a blessing...not only to us as supervisors, but also to you, the parents! You begin to see something amazing--your child growing into the person God made them to be!
One of the first noticeable differences that catches peoples attention is the way our learning environment is laid out. In most schools that use the ACE program, all the students, with the exception of the youngest (usually K4-2nd), are in one large room, known as the Learning Center. This leaves everyone from as young as 7 to as old as 18 in one room! At Harvest, we have separated the Learning Centers into two groups: K4-3rd levels, and 4th-12th levels.
Many parents and visitors may wonder why ACE has chosen to operate in this fashion, instead of using the traditional method of classrooms with desks and a teacher for each age group of student Here are few benefits of this arrangement:
1. Ease of implementation for limited staff/facilities. One of the biggest benefits to this way of operating is how simple it becomes for a small church with few people to have the opportunity to minister to their church families and the surrounding community through a Christian school. The task of opening a school ministry seems much less daunting when you find out that you will not have to build larger buildings, add on to your existing facilities, or hire a large number of new staff members! ACE's program allows you to take the resources God has already blessed your ministry with, make a few minor changes here and there, and you're ready to go! In fact, one of the things you hear when you begin looking into this program is, "If you have a Sunday School, you can have a Monday school!"
2. Family-style environment. Many years ago, people had larger families, many times having 10 or more children in each family! Grandparents and other relatives often lived with or very near the family, and the children who were raised in this type of environment reaped the blessings of wisdom and counsel of not only parents, but also older siblings, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Having all the students together each day for learning, playing, working, and eating allows us to recapture some of those benefits of a large family. Your only child may realize that their school mates are like the brothers and sisters they don't have! Sometimes, this is not seen as a blessing by the students however, because the students also have to learn to get along with not only kids their own age, but older kids, and little kids too! It is fun to watch a child who is the youngest in their family learn how to be a "big" brother or sister, and important for the older students to realize that little eyes are watching and copying them all the time! Because they are a stable presence every year, the supervisors become trusted authority figures that the children can come to for advice and counsel, similar to parents. The pastor, pastor's wife, and faithful church workers become examples of Godly life and the blessings that come by obeying His Word.
3. Space to develop at an individualized rate. If we were to seat the students at a regular desk and put them all into one room, we could not expect them to learn a thing! They would be to busy seeing what everyone else was doing, or overwhelmed with the noise of a crowd and therefore unable to learn anything on their own! So, ACE has developed what they refer to as a student office. This is your student's own learning space. They have extended dividers that encourage them to pay attention to what is in front of them, and prevent them from worrying about if others are looking or listening to them as they work. The ACE program's foundational concept is that every child is an individual, and they must be allowed the ability to progress at their own rate of speed. The offices allow the students to work in their choice of subject (not everyone can face Algebra first thing in the morning!), at their learning rate, without fear of falling behind their classmates or the teacher rushing past a concept that they missed. In a similar fashion to how many corporations operate, they have a task list (goal card) with their daily work expectations on it. They are allowed to tackle these tasks in the order they see fit, without undue interruption. And just like an employer might duck his head into a cubicle to check on the progress of a job, project, or report, we supervisors are constantly rotating about the Learning Center, checking in with the students and guiding them in the completion of their tasks.
These are just a few benefits of the learning system that we have implemented here at HCS. I'm sure there are more than the ones I have listed here. All in all, we have found that most students, including ones who have struggled in traditional classroom environments, begin to enjoy their new-found freedoms and responsibilities of the Learning Center. They like being able to set their own schedule, with minimal intervention, and tackle their work the way they see fit. They quickly learn that if they ignore the advice of the supervisor however, and get out of balance in their tasks, they have no one to blame but themselves! And then they realize that they can also fix it themselves by heeding advice and trying to do better the next day. The joy in their faces as they grow and are given more responsibility for their own learning is a blessing...not only to us as supervisors, but also to you, the parents! You begin to see something amazing--your child growing into the person God made them to be!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
School Supply Time!
It is almost time to be thinking about one of my favorite times of the year -- shopping for school supplies!! I have to admit that I am a huge school supply fan. It is a great way to get your kids excited about the start of a new school year too. There's nothing like a new pencil, or a brand-new box of crayons that hasn't been used yet.
So, since the time is nearly upon us, we wanted to get our list of school supplies to you so you can catch the good deals when you see them. Speaking of good deals, a friend found this handy list the other day...it may keep you from the aggravation of purchasing something at one place only to find it cheaper at the next store.
Returning parents will want to check the supply list this year because we have updated a few items on it this year. One specific item that is a new requirement this year is a vertical magazine holder. (Something like this in metal or plastic would be preferable. Cardboard does not seem to hold up as well.) One thing we have removed from the list is the desk lamp--and parents everywhere rejoiced! We have improved the lighting in the Learning Center so the lamps are no longer needed.
Without further ado, here is the link to the printable school supply lists for the 2015-2016 school year. Remember, there are two lists -- one for younger students and one for older one, so make sure you choose the right list for your family. Happy shopping!!
So, since the time is nearly upon us, we wanted to get our list of school supplies to you so you can catch the good deals when you see them. Speaking of good deals, a friend found this handy list the other day...it may keep you from the aggravation of purchasing something at one place only to find it cheaper at the next store.
Returning parents will want to check the supply list this year because we have updated a few items on it this year. One specific item that is a new requirement this year is a vertical magazine holder. (Something like this in metal or plastic would be preferable. Cardboard does not seem to hold up as well.) One thing we have removed from the list is the desk lamp--and parents everywhere rejoiced! We have improved the lighting in the Learning Center so the lamps are no longer needed.
Without further ado, here is the link to the printable school supply lists for the 2015-2016 school year. Remember, there are two lists -- one for younger students and one for older one, so make sure you choose the right list for your family. Happy shopping!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Improvements and Adjustments!
6, 2015
hope you are enjoying this summer break. Longer
days, warmer temperatures, and no school means more time for fun
family activities! Make sure you are taking advantage of these fun
times as you are able. School starts on August 17th –
only 6 weeks away!
have several improvements
to share with you.
One of the more noticeable changes you will see as we begin next
school year is the way the Learning
look. New
lighting has been added which means—no more desk lamps! We are
removing that item from the school supply list. Also, we
were blessed to be able to purchase new chairs for the students that
will be more comfortable and better for them to work in. In addition
to these new chairs, the offices have
been restructured and given a new coat of paint. We have removed the
storage area under the desktop, so a magazine holder for the
student's PACEs will be added to the supply list. Also, you may want
to make sure they have a good way to contain pencils and other school
supplies. (A small box and/or cup should be sufficient.)
we are switching to a
computer-based record keeping system, which will include printed
Progress Reports. Your
student's report cards will have a different look to them for next
school year. Lastly,
we will be trying to keep a more updated presence online. In
addition to our website and Facebook page, we have created a school
blog (http://mentoringintruth.blogspot.com)
for letters and other information.
sure you are enrolled for next school year. If you have not
returned your re-enrollment form, or it has gotten misplaced, please
print a copy from our blog or contact us so we can send you one. We
will be working on our enrollment process during late July/early
August, so make sure we have your information as we begin planning
our new school year.
will be extending our school day until 3:30. This is a notable
change to the daily schedule. This will allow us to balance PACE
work and extracurricular activities more effectively. Hopefully, this
will mean less homework—always a plus! Please remember, students
may always be checked out early if necessary at the parents'
keep us in your prayers as we continue to prepare for next school
year. We are getting excited as the first day approaches for the
2015-2016 school year!
& Mrs. Lipskoch
Monday, July 6, 2015
Our First Post!
Welcome to Harvest Christian School's new blog! We have added this feature to our online presence in the hopes that parents will be able to have a quick access place for information such as letters that have been sent home, links to info such as calendars and supply lists, and encouraging thoughts from the staff here at HCS. The first link we wanted to give you was the re-enrollment form in case any of you have misplaced or forgotten to fill this out and return it. Please get this form to us so we can include you in plans for the new school year!
We will link this blog to our website and on Facebook, so you can access it in several ways. Feel free to leave us comments on the posts so we can know how we are doing. Our next post should be the letter that we just sent out in the mail. In the letter we gave you the name of the blog so you can access it directly as well. Keep checking in periodically, because not all blog posts will be letters that are sent home. Also, we would like you to remember that the blog is not a replacement for the Communication Envelopes. There will be items sent home that cannot be posted publicly for various reasons. So, please continue to read, sign and return those orange envelopes!
As we look forward to the start of the new school year, we realize once again the privilege and responsibility you have shared with us in allowing us a part in the teaching and training of your young people. Please understand that this is not a thing that we take lightly, and that we strive every day to follow God's direction as He leads us in this task. There seems to be a growing need to have our children trained and taught in the ways of the Lord, and we are thankful you have trusted HCS to help you with this job. Pray for us as we continue to "train up a child."
We will link this blog to our website and on Facebook, so you can access it in several ways. Feel free to leave us comments on the posts so we can know how we are doing. Our next post should be the letter that we just sent out in the mail. In the letter we gave you the name of the blog so you can access it directly as well. Keep checking in periodically, because not all blog posts will be letters that are sent home. Also, we would like you to remember that the blog is not a replacement for the Communication Envelopes. There will be items sent home that cannot be posted publicly for various reasons. So, please continue to read, sign and return those orange envelopes!
As we look forward to the start of the new school year, we realize once again the privilege and responsibility you have shared with us in allowing us a part in the teaching and training of your young people. Please understand that this is not a thing that we take lightly, and that we strive every day to follow God's direction as He leads us in this task. There seems to be a growing need to have our children trained and taught in the ways of the Lord, and we are thankful you have trusted HCS to help you with this job. Pray for us as we continue to "train up a child."
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